White N Reddish Pink Gerberas in a Glass Vase Delivery by Pune Online Florists
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★ 100% Hygiene Maintained ★
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Send this Blooming Bounce Gerbera Collection to your love-mate on the anniversary of your first meeting and let the fervor of romance drench both of your hearts. This Collection displays enchanting Gerberas of 12 White and Reddish Pink dyes sorted together in a chic Glass Vase that is enhanced by a trim Yellow Ribbon of Bow Shape.
Rs.759 / $8.93
Assemblage of 18 Reddish Pink and White colour Gerberas in a Glass Vase embellished by a prim Bow-Shaped Yellow Ribbon.
Rs.939 / $11.05
Earliest Delivery : 28-Mar Remote location may take one day more